Tuesday, November 27, 2012

West Coast Productions, Inc. v. Does 1-448

Robby T. Cook - Attorney at Law
West Coast Productions, Inc.

Another Porn bittorrent case.  This time targeting 448 People.   

At the risk of sounding like an advertisement, contact me today for representation.  As always, the consultations are free.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bait Productions Pty. Ltd. v. John Does

An attorney by the name of Richard E. Fee of Fee & Jeffries PA has filed more than a handful of lawsuits in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida.

The Plaintiff in this case is Bait Productions Pty. Ltd. and these (now fourteen) cases target on average about 50 people at a time.  As of today's date, Bait Productions Pty. Ltd. appears to have filed 14 cases, and are therefore targeting close to 500 or 600 people.  This means that roughly 100 or 150 innocent internet subscribers will be targeted in these cases.

Some of the the case numbers are listed here:


My sense of humor means I can't help but point out the two parts of these cases which are naturally funny.  First of all, in the movie Dragnet (1987) starring Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd there was a pornography company named Bait.  Dabney Coleman played the part of a Satan worshipping pornographer named Jerry Caesar who ran the company that produced Bait magazines.  The portrayal of a rich pornographer in his mansion by this star of Short Time is how I like to think they all live.   Notice how Dabney Coleman is the victim of a crime, just like pornographers who have their content stolen online.

The second part of the cases which is naturally ironic is the term "Bait" which of course is what is happening in these cases.   People are being baited, and whether they are guilty of copyright infringement or not, people will be extorted for larger amounts than are fair and equitable, or in the case of the innocent internet subscriber, simply extorted.  

Bait Productions appears to be an Australian company and to have made a movie called "Bait".  They have had a registration in Australia since 2010.   I have not seen much movement on these cases at this point, but it is certain that the demands and notices from the ISP's will be coming soon.   Just in time for Christmas.  Ho ho ho.    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1438173/

From IMDB :A freak tsunami traps shoppers at a coastal Australian supermarket inside the building - along with a 12-foot Great White Shark.  4

5 Stars.

As always, my website www.syfert.com contains the FAQ which is still relevant to all John Doe cases.